If you run a small business, you may be losing money in many  ways which  you’ve never imagined. To keep your business alive , you’ll want to identify these issues and take action to fix them as soon as possible. Here are four areas where Your Small Business is Losing Money and what you can do about it.

  1. Marketing

When you are new to business then every business have target for more sales to increase revenue but honestly speaking that’s not so easy . Marketing your brand is awesome but going about this the wrong way could end up wasting a lot of money for your business. The expensive advertising is not the always way to get good customers .

Here are the way where you can  avoid the burning of money in marketing.

2.  No Online presence

Now days every business is online . So , someone wants to find a new business to purchase from, where do you think they’ll search? That’s right: online.

Your business must have online presence and here is the reason why ?

3.  Poor customer service

Studies show that dissatisfied customers are more likely to tell people about their negative experiences. This ripple-effect from a poor customer service experience can severely damage a business’ bottom line, in terms of lost sales. It’s critical for small businesses to focus on serving customer needs.

4.  Get the price right

Overcharging for your products or services will drive customers away, while undercharging will drain profits.

Pricing strategies range from setting prices based on cost to how much your competition charges. However, consider setting prices that align with the quality of your work. If you provide a better-quality product or service, you can afford to charge more than a cheaper, lower-quality competitor.

This list goes on and here I tried to sum up : Why Small Businesses Fail?

Creative Konnectogrow marketing strategies can also be explored to generate more interest.