A failing marketing strategy is not failure; however, ignoring reality and refusing to adapt is.

If you aren’t a strategic and thoughtful entrepreneur about how you spend your money, you’re more likely to waste it on ineffective campaigns and tactics.

Here are the most common mistakes made when attempting to create effective marketing campaigns—and how to avoid them:

1. Give it enough Time

First and foremost, I want to acknowledge that some methods, such as SEO, take a long time to pay off. Don’t get disheartened after only a few weeks of effort if you’re investing in your brand image or relying on inbound traffic to bring you, additional customers.

2. Not understanding your value proposition

A value proposition is a summary of why your target market should buy from you. This statement sets you apart from your competition, describes how your product/service enhances the lives of your target customers and lists the precise benefits that your firm will provide. It is, in a nutshell, a promise that you intend to (and should) keep.

Value propositions exist for a reason: they provide your offerings to hungry customers with more meat.

3. You’re using the wrong channels

Do you understand how a CB radio works? Truckers frequently use these to communicate with one another. However, in order to receive the message, you must first select the appropriate channel.
Marketing works in a similar manner. If your company markets through a channel that your potential customers do not use, they will not receive the message.

For example, if you spend your time tweeting but your prospects do not use Twitter, you will not hear from them. Alternatively, it’s similar to attending a tradeshow, but the attendees aren’t from your target demographic.

Do you see what I’m getting at?

It’s crucial to figure out where your target audience hangs out and obtains their information. 

Do they go online to look for information? 

Do they make use of social media? 

Is that the case, and if so, which ones? 

If you can nail this down, you’ll be able to focus your marketing efforts on the correct channels.

4. You are not investing sufficiently.

I’m not just referring to your marketing budget. 

If marketing is an afterthought in your organization, or if your team isn’t contributing to your marketing efforts, you’ll struggle to see results.

Marketing takes both time and money to be successful. 

You must be willing to commit the necessary resources to the effort.

And, yes, your marketing budget can be too small at times. 

For example, if you want your pay-per-click ads to appear on specific keywords, you may have to spend more to achieve the visibility and click-through rates you desire.

Although having marketing strategy is critical, it must be adaptable. 

Your marketing plan should serve as beginning point and guide, but you must be open to making changes if your efforts aren’t yielding 

results. That is why measurement is crucial. 

Keep track of what’s working and what isn’t so you can make adjustments throughout the year.